Human Centered Government Service Delivery

You’ve actually been making design decisions your entire life. In this course, you’ll gain skills and learn techniques for using design consciously to define problem spaces and to carry out your intent. This highly interactive field course presents processes and practices for applying design to digital government and policy. The activities and assignments in this course will give you tools to understand the lived experience people have with government and how to deliver better services to them and outcomes for them.

This module is a deep dive on understanding user needs through the lens of government policymaking, using design thinking methods and techniques. The methods are best learned through practice. Lecture will be light. Class time will be workshops and activities. Work outside the classroom will be substantial, with at least 2 hours of reading/videos plus 3-5 hours each week of working with your team to complete the course challenge. The goal of the course challenge is for your team to reach and communicate a deep understanding of a social problem to identify opportunities to improve government service.

Course project: Design challenge

All teams will work on the same design challenge. For example:

  • How might we prevent families from dropping out of the public school registration system?
  • How might we increase participation in local elections?
    How might we make public transit universally accessible?
  • What challenges do people with disabilities face in a widespread health crisis?

The challenges emphasize interacting with government and advocates in ways students don’t, ordinarily, and with people they probably have never noticed before. You’ll learn about aspects of the lived experience that you’ve never thought about before.

The goal is to gain a deep understanding of a problem space through design processes and practices. 

Learning objectives

  • Learn the importance of and skills for understanding users’ needs
  • Learn how to define the right problem to design the right thing
  • Learn to tie systems thinking to design of government services
  • Learn to use discovery and research methods to mitigate risk

Before the first class meeting: Submit a 5-minute video 

With this information, I can deliver a better course for you because I’ll have information about your related experience and your goals.  

1. Read/watch these (they are all short):

2. Make a 5-minute video of you responding the statement, “Tell the story of a project you’re proud of as it relates to this course.” Address each of these points:

  • your role in the project and where you fit in the team
  • how you define what a “user” is
  • how you helped ensure that the team you worked with had a shared understanding of the work
  • your process or approach for testing requirements and assumptions (as related to the readings – for example, where did your work fit into the double diamond design process, what steps you and your team did or might have missed in the design thinking approach,)
  • challenges you encountered and how you overcame them
  • what you’re hoping to do differently at the end of this course

3. Submit a link for your video by email to the instructor ( by Wednesday before the first class meeting. 

How to get the most out of this course 

Do the readings or watch the videos before each class, please. Doing that will help you understand better what we are doing in class and will help your team move faster. We will not go over the readings or videos in class. You will be expected to have done that work ahead of time. You may be quizzed about the content of the readings and videos.

Come to class ready to learn and practice a technique or method for a step in the process of problem definition. You may be asked in class how to perform the featured method and model it for the class.

You’ll get the best grade if you participate in discussion and activities during class, and make thoughtful and substantial contributions to group projects.

Assignments handed in after the due date will be credited at only a fraction of their total value, unless you ask me for prior approval to be late. I might not grant approval.

I expect students to devote a significant amount of time to their projects (3-5 hours a week). Students are expected to attend every class session, minimize outside class commitments, and make this class a priority.

I do not recommend taking this course while overloading, taking multiple client-based courses, or with an overly demanding schedule. Contact the instructor if you plan to take other high-commitment courses in the same semester such as DPI-663, Tech and Innovation in Government.

Laptops and Cellphones: There will be many class sessions in which you never touch a laptop. However, expect to bring a laptop to class for co-working sessions. Please refrain from using laptops during lectures and workshops, so you can focus and take part in discussion. Cell phones are not permitted in class.

Absences: This is a 6-week course. I expect students to be present for every class. If you must be absent, notify the instructor and your team at least two weeks in advance. Arrange beforehand with your team to make up the work.

Your grade will be lowered by a fraction for every absence. For example, if you would otherwise get an A, one absence will give you an A-. Absences also interact with the quality of your work. See the grading rubrics below.

Food in the classroom: Class meets for 3 hours each Friday for 6 Fridays. Please try to eat before you arrive at class. There will be brief breaks during which you may have a snack, but breaks will not be long enough to get meal-worthy food. Bring snacks with you.

Readings and resources

Course readings include articles, books, book chapters, videos, and blog posts, all of which are posted to the course website.

You must do the readings and use the resources for each week before you arrive at class for that week. Doing so will help you in the class activities and the week’s assignments.

Required texts: 

There are these recommended texts: 

You can order the required books here.

Most of the videos are in the All You Can Learn from UIE. Everyone will use the same log-in information. (See below.) The service is free to students of this course. 

Activities and assignments

In the Course Overview below, each week lays out key topics, at least one activity, and related assignments. We’ll cover key topics and activities in class meetings. You’ll do assignments outside of class time.

Assignments and grading procedures

There are assignments every week.

Final grades will be based on the following:

% of final gradeDeliverable
25%Written reflections every week, submitted in the class discussion area in Canvas, due by noon on Saturday following each class meeting.
25%Written assignments that contribute to your final project. These are due by noon Eastern Time on the Wednesday after they are assigned. Each week, you will work with your team to develop and iterate on plans and artifacts (such as research plans and scripts, stakeholder maps, user journey maps, service blueprints, and other visualizations) that show your growing understanding of the problem space of the course challenge. You will submit polished, professional work worthy of distribution in a large organization to help everyone understand the project.
25%Team work and individual contributions, as well as participating in class. Your peers will also rate your contributions to the project.
25%Final team presentation, which includes a written final report and slide deck.

Assignment and reflection grading

Reflections are graded as submitted / incomplete. You will write a short reflection of what you learned each week. 

Assignments are graded as group or team submissions each week. Each assignment is worth 15 points. 

Completeness  Including items listed in the assignment5.0 
Evidence of work and progress  Showing steps and learning through research, analysis, and reflection5.0
Organization  Showing thoughtfulness in pulling together the pieces to make a coherent whole5.0

The final presentations, report, and slides are evaluated together for Week 6, for a total of 100 points. 

Evaluation criteria for final team presentation

See the description for the last week of class.

Course overview and class schedule

Note: You will write reflections after every class. Each reflection is due to the instructor by noon on the following Saturday.

Week 1, Monday-Thursday (March 23-26)

Yes, this is before the first class meeting. 

Read/watch these (this is the recommended order):


You must log into the All You Can Learn library to watch many of the videos. This page shows all of the videos in the AYCL library for this course: (Links to an external site.) 

Use this userid and password: 

password: HKSDPI-676


Collective Story Harvest

User Research 

Policy and government services 

Week 1

Understanding users’ needs

The key to delivering government services that are useful, usable, and pleasant is understanding users’ needs. How do you do that? And how do you document and represent those needs in a way that you can track over time?

Class topics will include:

  • Importance of design and design thinking in government
  • Process of design: diverge, converge, diverge, converge
  • What a project looks like: our design challenge
  • Forming research questions and creating a research plan

In-class activity: Collective story harvest related to the challenge question.


With your team, self-organize to get this work done:

  • Desk research – learn about accessibility in digital (hint: WCAG 2.0)
  • Draft a rough research plan (1-10 pages of bullet points) that includes 1-3 focus/research questions. Include a draft of your interview/observation guide.
  • Interview 5-10 people with accessibility challenges or disabilities about their experiences related to Covid-19. Remember to collect basic behavioral and demographic data, such as how and if they’re working, how they manage daily activities, what their age and disabilities are, etc.
  • Create one document that includes insights from the desk research, your research plan, interview guide, and insights from your first interviews. Extra points for a well formed, well organized document with clear, descriptive headings.
  • For Friday’s class, write out what you, as a team, think the project research will find the problem space to be. Print it and put it into a sealed envelope. Bring it to class.

Readings (for the next class)

Week 2

Sense making: systems thinking and service design

Government is a series of small systems that work within larger systems. Feeding into the overall government system are dozens of services. Some services talk to each other; some stand alone — or pretend to, or are forced to through poor governance and lack of political will.

This week we will understand how to see a government service in its truer context, how to push beyond pseudo silos, and how to begin widening our points of view to take a more meaningful approach to research.

Class topics will include:

  • Service design blueprint
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Mapping the user/customer journey
  • Touchpoint canvas


Team: Conduct field research. In addition:

  • Revise your research plan, interview guides, etc. to reflect the direction of the research and the research questions you have narrowed down to
  • Conduct 5-10 interviews or observations with MBTA riders
  • Sketch out your service design blueprint (version 1, in class)
  • Create a stakeholder map and interview 3-10 stakeholders (who are not riders)
  • Pull all of the artifacts together into one document and write a narrative (5 to 25 pages) that describes each, what it represents, where your gaps in knowledge/data/research are, assumptions you’re making, questions you still have about the problem space.

Readings (for next week)

Week 3

Problem definition and convergence — how does it feel?

Now you have some of the story of the lived experience. And a lot of qualitative data. How does it feel to be in the problem space?

It’s time to revise the blueprints and maps based on your recent research: refine observations and fill gaps (or clarify what the gaps are in your data, why they are there, and whether you’re going to do anything about them). But before you do that, what could you learn by doing versus listening?

Physical, experiential prototypes of the problem space help us understand nuances of the user experience in ways you can’t just by observing, and validate (or dispel) assumptions that have built up through research.

Class topics include:

  • Role playing and writing the future story
  • Body storming
  • Physical prototyping of touchpoints, especially ones you don’t know well, risky transactions, and core interactions between service and user


  • As a team, create a physical prototype that you can literally walk through.
  • Document walkthroughs and discoveries with photos and videos (if appropriate) — show before-and-afters.
  • Update journey maps, service blueprints, and stakeholder maps based on insights from walking through physical prototypes.
  • Add these artifacts, with explanatory narrative, to the  document you developed in week 1 that includes insights from the desk research, your research plan, interview guide, and insights from your first interviews.

Readings and resources (for next week)


Week 4

Analyze and synthesize collaboratively

Teams that deliver the best products, services, and experiences are cross-functional and highly collaborative. This week, we’ll practice some simple techniques for quickly documenting feedback from users, coming to consensus the priority of problems found, and for getting to better design direction.

Topics and techniques will include:

  • Design principles
  • Rolling issues
  • KJ
  • Obindi (observation to inference to design direction)

Bonus: Fishbone analysis —  


  • Conduct 5-10 more interviews or observations with people staying home through the Covid-19 pandemic who may or may not have disabilities. Document the characteristics and habits of these participants in your report. 
  • Reach your own priorities using the methods. Show evidence on your journey map, stakeholder map, touchpoint canvas, and service blueprint of issues discovered / resolved, compare what you guessed would happen to what did happen.
  • Document points in the service / product where design has happened, show what seems intentionally designed and why you think that.
  • Review the future stories from Week 3 and compare to what you know now. Does the future story of outcomes change? If so how and why?
  • Create a document, or add to your ongoing report, that includes narrative reporting of the above items. Include a section or table that lists each participant, their characteristics, and their work and life routines and habits. 

Readings and resources (for next week, due April 24)

Week 5

Mitigate risk and measure outcomes

A classic problem in government is risk aversion. This is why most important IT projects have been massive and long: the idea that you could document all of the requirements ahead of time and then build to those requirements has never worked.

Government projects typically are measured based on schedules and budgets. But what if policies were concerned with measuring outcomes for individuals? This week, we’ll look at where design has happened intentionally and unintentionally, and how the difference affects people’s futures. We’ll generate ideas for addressing some the design problems that drive outcomes for individuals.

Class topics include:

  • Envisioning outcomes
  • Success criteria
  • Experience metrics


Finish up projects:

  • Update all of your materials, documenting where you started, what you learned, and where you are now
  • Discuss methods and lessons learned
  • Describe what you know about the challenge: Define the problem space and success criteria, as well as how the success criteria would be measured
  • Document design principles for possible solutions
  • Compare what you thought you would find out with what you did find out

Week 6

In-class retrospective, AMA, working session, and walk-throughs 

Come to class and use the time to clarify, catch up, refine, and ask questions. You could even rehearse your final presentations. 

Week 7

Final presentations (25% of your grade)

This week, you’ll present your insights to the instructor and various other audience members. These major deliverables that make up 25% of your grade:

  • A written, narrative report
  • A slide deck
  • Your team’s presentation


Please collect these items together in ONE document and develop a coherent, meaningful narrative with them:

__ The challenge question and a description of how your team approached it

__ Research report (based on the research plan outline)

__ Stakeholder maps (with written explanations of each and the progression)

__ Journey maps (with written explanation of each and the progression)

__ Service maps (with written explanation of each and the progression)

__ Description of the problem space, and how your research and the insights you gained helped you form that definition of the problem

__ Success criteria and measures: What would success look like and how would you measure it

__ Theories that you would propose working on in a new phase to approach closing the problem space

__ Send it to by 5pm Eastern Time, <date>


In addition, as a summary that can stand by itself (without the report and without the presentation), deliver:

__ A slide deck that provides visuals and a backbone for the story of your work

__ Send it to by 5pm Eastern Time, <date>


__ An excellent, 15- to 20-minute presentation where each person on the team presents an equal part of the story, equally interestingly. Demonstrate that you all have fallen in love with the problem and that you are deeply interested in it.

Evaluation criteria

Your presentation will be judged on these criteria: 

The quality of the story you tell about the problem space. 
Quality of the story you tell, as a team, about the problem space and your understanding of it. Evidence of thoroughness and professionalism. Demonstrate an understanding of your core user’s needs. Apply systems thinking to answering the challenge question
 30 points
Individual knowledge. Evidence that each person on the team has an understanding of all of the research, your data, the models you have created, and the overall problem space. Each person on the team should be able to describe the work, the insights, and the problem space equally and similarly 30 points
Story of progress. Demonstrate that the team took a starting position, explored the space expansively, looked at adjacent possible explanations or ideas, and evolved your understanding of the question, the domain, and the problem space. Define the problem space. Apply discovery and research methods to demonstrate how you tied research questions to methods and insights to describe possible (positive and negative) outcomes.25 points 
Show a clean and clear organization of the materials, sections, maps, etc. in your written presentation and report, and practiced preparation in your oral presentation
 15 points
Total possible points for final presentation   100 

Peer evaluations

During this last meeting, your teammates will rate your performance over the course. Participation in class, along with individual contributions to team project work make up 25% of your grade.


You may get substantial feedback during your presentation. If you would like to make revisions to your report and slides to incorporate this feedback, you have until noon on May 1 to make the revisions and request a reconsideration of your grade for the project.