Tag: data analysis

  • What to do with the data: Moving from observations to design direction

      This article was originally published on December 7, 2009.    What is data but observation? Observations are what was seen and what was heard. As teams work on early designs, the data is often about obvious design flaws and higher order behaviors, and not necessarily tallying details. In this article, let’s talk about tools…

  • Making sense of the data: Collaborative data analysis

    I’ve often said that most of the value in doing user research is in spending time with users — observing them, listening to them. This act, especially if done by everyone on the design team, can be unexpectedly enlightening. Insights are abundant. But it’s data, right? Now that the team has done this observing, what…

  • Easier data gathering: Techniques of the pros

    In an ideal world, we’d have one person moderating a user research session and at least one other person taking notes or logging data. In practice it often just doesn’t work out that way. The more people I talk to who are doing user research, the more often I hear from experienced people that they’re…

  • What counts: Measuring the effectiveness of your design

    Let’s say you’re looking at these behaviors in your usability test: Where do participants start the task? How easily do participants find the right form? How many wrong turns do they take on the way? Where in the navigation do they make wrong turns? How easily and successfully do they recognize the form they need…

  • Consensus on observations in real time: Keeping a rolling list of issues

      Design teams often need results from usability studies yesterday. Teams I work with always want to start working on observations right away. How to support them while giving good data and ensuring that the final findings are valid? Teams that are fully engaged in getting feedback from users – teams that share a vision…