Getting ready for sessions: Don’t forget…

There are a bunch of things to do to get ready for any test besides designing the test and recruiting participants.

  • make sure you know the design well enough to know what should happen as the participant uses it
  • copy any materials you need for taking notes
  • copy of all the forms and questionnaires for participants, including honorarium receipts
  • organize the forms in some way that makes sense for you. (I like a stand-up accordion file folder, in which I sort a set of forms for each participant into each slot. I stand up the unused sets and then when they’ve been filled out, they go back in on their sides.)
  • check in with Accounting or whoever on money for honoraria or goodies for give-aways
  • get a status report from the recruiter
  • double-check the participant mix
  • make sure you have contact information for each participant
  • check that you have all the equipment, software, or whatever that you need for the participant to be able to do tasks
  • run through the test a couple of times yourself
  • double-check the equipment you’re going to use (I use a digital audio recorder, so I need memory sticks for that, along with rechargeable batteries)
  • charge all the batteries
  • double-check the location

Which gets us to where you’re going to do the sessions. But let’s talk about that later.





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