A key element of designing for delight is understanding where your product is in its maturity. One way to look at that is through the lens of the Kano Model. You can learn about the Kano Model and our addition of pleasure, flow, and meaning through a couple of sources:
Read Jared’s article on understanding the Kano Model (8-minute read on uie.com)
Watch Jared talk about the Kano Model (45-minute video)
Dana and Jared have both written about different aspects of delight. It’s not just about dancing hamsters. Delight is much more nuanced than that. The three key elements are pleasure, flow, and meaning.
Read Jared’s overview of pleasure, flow, and meaning. (10-minute read on uie.com)
Read Dana’s series at UX Magazine
- “Beyond frustration: three levels of happy design” (9-minute read)
- “Pleasant things work better” (8-minute read)
- “Beyond task completion: flow in design” (6-minute read)
Design can be used for good, or evil. Jared wrote about a technique that we use in our workshop that he calls “despicable design.” Going to the dark side can reveal a lot about how your team approaches designing its users’ experiences.
Read Jared’s article, “Despicable Design — When “going evil” is the perfect technique” (12-minutes at uie.com)
In our workshop, we also use sentiment words to help teams narrow down how they want people to feel or perceive a service. Here are the basics about sentiment analysis. And a piece from NNG about using the Microsoft Desirability Toolkit from which our use of sentiment words comes.
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