Tag: test plan

  • Researcher as director: scripts and stage direction

    For most teams, the moderator of user research sessions is the main researcher. Depending on the comfort level of the team, the moderator might be a different person from session to session in the same study. (I often will moderate the first few sessions of a study and then hand the moderating over to the…

  • Looking for love: Deciding what to observe for

      The team I was working with wanted to find out whether a prototype they had designed for a new intranet worked for users. Their new design was a radical change from the site that had been in place for five years and in use by 8,000 users. Going to this new design was a big…

  • Popping the big question(s): How well? How easily? How valuable?

    When teams decide to do usability testing on a design, it is often because there’s some design challenge to overcome. Something isn’t working. Or, there’s disagreement among team members about how to implement a feature or a function. Or, the team is trying something risky. Going to the users is a good answer. Otherwise, even…

  • Getting ready for sessions: Don’t forget…

    There are a bunch of things to do to get ready for any test besides designing the test and recruiting participants. make sure you know the design well enough to know what should happen as the participant uses it copy any materials you need for taking notes copy of all the forms and questionnaires for…

  • Data collecting: Tips and tricks for taking notes

    A common mistake people make when they’re new to conducting usability tests is taking verbatim notes. Note taking for summative tests can be pretty straightforward. For those you should have benchmark data that you’re comparing against or at least clear success criteria. In that case, data collecting could (and probably should) be done mostly by the…

  • Why create a test design?

    I get a lot of clients who are in a hurry. They get to a point in their product cycle that they’re supposed to have done some usability activity to exit the development phase they are in and now find they have to scramble to pull it together. How long can it take to arrange…