Tag: supporting great design

  • Usability testing is HOT

    For many of us, usability testing is a necessary evil. For others, it’s too much work, or it’s too disruptive to the development process. As you might expect, I have issues with all that. It’s unfortunate that some teams don’t see the value in observing people use their designs. Done well, it can be an…

  • Bonus research: Do the recruiting yourself

    There are some brilliant questions on Quora. This morning, I was prompted to answer one about recruiting. The question asker asked, How do I recruit prospective customers to shadow as a part of a user-centered design approach? The asker expanded, thusly: I’m interested in shadowing prospective customers in order to better understand how my tool…

  • Is your team stuck in a bubble?

    This happens. The team is heads down, just trying to do work, to make things work, and then you realize it. Perspective is gone. Recently I gave a couple of talks about usability testing and collaboratively analyzing data. There was a guy in the first row who was super attentive as I showed screen shots…