Tag: recruiting
Recruit based on demographics or behavior?
Recruiting for usability test is hard. (I’ve said this before.) And it’s the most important thing to get right in a test. So how do you decide who to recruit? Demographics don’t describe behavior If you buy the argument of your marketing department, you will look at the demographics of the various segments and try…
Does Geography Matter?
Today I’ve been writing for the new edition of Handbook of Usability Testing about setting up a test environment. Should you be in the lab or in the field? If you’re in the lab, what should the setup be like and why? These seemed like fairly easy questions to answer. But then I got to…
The Hardest Part: Getting the right participant in the room
This week has proved to me that that nothing — nothing — matters as much as having the right participants. Without the right participants, it all falls apart If you don’t have participants who are appropriate, you can’t learn what you want to learn because they don’t behave and think the way real users do.…